




泰國水燈節令人看了眼花撩亂,夜市吃的東西多到吃到嘴酸! 但是人潮多到可怕、走一走真的會在人群裡淹沒!



我遇見了一個中國男生,他告訴我,他之前過了足足八個月討乞、睡街頭的日子,獨自在中國旅遊的故事超精彩。還遇見了一做股市分析的男生,賺了好多錢後,辭掉工作,想把錢全花在旅遊上(可能永遠花不完)。還有一個韓國妹妹辭掉工作,開始從事旅遊一年,寫書和出書。一個研究員花了三個月待在泰國,在一個默默無名的小農村,研究那鄉下孩童對社會的看法。一個全職喜愛爬山健行的女生,還有一個熱愛東南亞,一直回來探訪的德國女生!這些旅客有足夠的勇氣來掌握自己人生,他們的膽量實在讓我非常刮目相看。希望有一天我也有很多故事可以分享✌️😁 #人生目標


Chiang Mai, Thailand

I am addicted to solo travel ✈️

Apart from gathering with friends and family, a bit of alone time is absolutely necessary 😆

The Yee Peng lantern festival was pretty fascinating, and there were more street food options than you could ever ask for. Despite the fact that I was literally getting drowned in the large crowd of people. 🤪

As much I love street food, I was a little worry that there’s a high chance of me hitting the jackpot and get food poisoning. I gathered some balls and took a wild bet, hoping my Asian stomach would back me up, and it worked! 😂 #AntiFoodPoisoningStomach

Exchanging stories with travelers is one of the things I love. I met a Chinese guy who travelled in China for 8 months purely by begging and living on the street, a guy who made X millions of dollars and is on his mission to spent it all on traveling (that he may never will), a Korean girl who gave up her job and started writing books while she travels around the world for a full year, a researcher who spent 3 months at an undeveloped town studying children behaviors towards the society, a lady who hiked around the world for living, and a German lady who loves Eastern Asia she keeps coming back for more amazing things to see! These people took incredible courage to drive their own life, and their bravery is what I truly admire.

I hope one day I’ll have tons of stories to share !✌️😁 #LifeGoal

More pics to come!



Jenny Tao 畢業於University of Technology Sydney ,現居雪梨,為影像設計、動畫製作工作者。學生時代作品:
- 廣告 -
- 廣告 -


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