「放鬆」是一門藝術。張馳有度,才能避免傷害,達到靈活與平衡。今天與來自台灣的UGYM 創始人,Mark Yu 相見歡,很高興也是定居爾灣的他研發了這麼高端又這麼方便實用的智能健肌儀,讓我們可以更加容易地放下肩頭重擔與腰間負荷。我們也交換了許多健身方面的知識,了解如何避免運動傷害,每一行都有學問,真是受益匪淺啊!
Relax is an art! A good balance can help us to prevent injuries and hurts. Today I am happy to meet with the founder of UGYM. His deep muscle tissue stimulator is different from any other similar products that I used before. It really helped to relax my stiff shoulder and neck. I like it.