陳信夫 —— 奉獻四十載於英文中國郵報 | Paul Chen — Four Decades at the Helm of The China Post

鄭貞銘 Prof. Tseng Cheng-ming

Paul Chen wins praise from his former teacher for dedication and professionalism


Paul Chen’s dedication has made him a proud representative of the Department of Journalism and Communication training, Chinese Culture University.
Chen, the former deputy editor-in-chief of The China Post, often says that he wants to be a journalist with a conscience, not a performer in journalism.
While studying at the Department of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Culture University, Chen was inspired by Y. P. Huang, chairman of The China Post, and Nancy Yu-Huang, publisher. He first joined The China Post as an intern and later joined the company.
In the best 40 years of his life, he has worked for The China Post with a grateful heart and no regrets.
It is unbelievable that he has never been late or left early during his 40 years of career at The China Post. He says that he was inspired by his teachers at the Chinese Culture University and by the spirit of Chairman Y. P. Huang.
The chairman was a dedicated leader who worked at the newspaper until he died, which moved Paul Chen to follow his example.
Chen, a distinguished alumnus of the journalism department, has also been impressed by the close relationship between his alma matter and fellow students, especially their spirit of defiance.
He believes that education should be forward-looking and that the department’s founding of an English newspaper and a photo magazine has helped nurture countless talents.

(作者鄭貞銘係前文化大學新聞系主任,專任教授 | By Prof. Tseng Cheng-ming, former dean of the Department of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Culture University)

軍人世家子弟,抗日陣亡國軍將士遺族,安徽渡台第二代。 新聞科班畢業,從事新聞工作33年,歷任編輯、主編、組長、主任、副總編輯、總編輯,主跑政治要聞,優游歷史、文藝、生態保育。曾主編35冊專書。
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