陳信夫 — 活出新聞從業者典範的一生 | Paul Chen — Living the Exemplary Life of a News Professional

陳信夫 Paul Chen

我曾經歷許多風風雨雨,並學到許多與人打交道的寶貴經驗和英語的重要性 | I have experienced countless storms and gained many valuable experiences in dealing with people and the importance of English

「思好則好,思壞則壞,工作態度決定你的一生,少說話多做事不吃虧。凡事要往好的方面去想,做人處事謙虛,健康第一、財富次之」—— 陳信夫
“If you think good, you will be good; if you think bad, you will be bad; your working attitude determines your life. Think on the good side of everything, be modest, health first, wealth second.” —— Paul Chen.

學經歷 —— Academic Experience

初中、高中就讀省立屏東中學,1969文化大學新聞系畢業,曾任職台灣養雞雜誌社編譯、中國電視公司(China Television)新聞部特約編譯,民58年至民98年在中國郵報服務40年後退休。
I studied at National Pingtung Junior and Senior High School during my secondary studies. I then graduated from the Department of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Culture University in 1969. I worked as a translator for Taiwan Poultry Farming Magazine and as a contributing translator for the news Department of China Television. I retired after 40 years of service at The China Post (1969 to 2009).

英文中國郵報編輯全版紀念號,恭喜及表彰陳信夫40年堅守The China Post編輯台,成績輝煌。(圖/陳信夫)

小傳 —— Biography

My last name is Chen, first name Paul. I was born in 1942 in Chunan Village, Chutian Township, Pingtung, before the end of the Second World War. The third child in the family, I have two older siblings. I lost my father at the age of 3.
My mother relied on a few small plots of land to raise her three children to adulthood. Due to my abilities and hard work, I ranked top in my six years of elementary school and graduated at the top of the school with the Magistrate’s Award. This is the highest honor of my life.
民國54年帶著母親的期望,北上就讀文化學院(現任中國文化大學)新聞系,代理系主任鄭貞銘教授在新聞學的課堂上告訴我們什麼是新聞(What is the news),就開始跟新聞結下了不解之緣,在大四的時候,鄭老師延攬英文郵報創辦人余夢燕與黃遹霈為本系老師,因緣際會下,受到兩位創辦人的推薦便進入中國郵報服務,由最基層的校對做起,到外電助理編輯、編輯最後到執行副總編輯。
In line with my mother’s expectations, I went to Taipei to study in the Department of Journalism at the Cultural Institute (now the Chinese Culture University) in 1965, where the acting head of the Department, Professor Tseng Cheng-ming, taught me what is news in the journalism class. That’s when my love for journalism began.
During my senior year, I was recruited by Nancy Yu-Huang and Y. P. Huang, the founders of The China Post who were also teachers in the department.

英文中國郵報社長黃致祥(Jack Huang)頒給陳信夫一座「功在郵報」獎牌。(圖/陳信夫)

勉勵在校生的話 —— Words of Encouragement to Current Students
Before you leave school and enter the workplace, you should make good use of these four years to enrich yourself, set goals, work hard, and learn all kinds of knowledge, and build a good foundation to equip yourself continuously.
No matter what industry you are in, you must insist on doing it well.
Work attitude is the most important thing, ability is the second most important thing, don’t be too calculating in everything: you should learn and receive training with an open mind when you first enter the workplace, once your performance is outstanding and recognized, your future development will be very promising.

轉捩點 —— Turning Point

After he graduated from high school, I chose to enlist in the army early to get an early job. However, my great-uncle, Lai Young-hsiu, reprimanded me, saying: “You have to sharpen a knife when it is blunt. Don’t give up on your studies for the sake of making money.”
After that, he took me to northern Taiwan for tutoring, and with the persistence and encouragement of my uncle, I was admitted to the Chinese Culture University. My life changed because of my uncle’s words of encouragements.

人生歷程 —— Life History

It has always been my conviction that journalism is a profession for people of conscience. When I was the deputy editor-in-chief, I worked from 4 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. every day to deliver the latest news to readers and meet their needs.
One of the most impressive events for me was the Sept. 21, 1999 Earthquake that caused many casualties when it unfolded at 1:45 a.m. Because of my journalism sense, I immediately went back to the newspaper office, stopped printing, and changed the edition.


未來願景 —— Vision for the Future

在郵報(The China Post)工作的40年期間,歷經無數的風浪,從中獲得許多做人處事的寶貴經驗,同時也體會到英文的重要性,在這個地球村的年代,學好英文就像如虎添翼。
During the 40 years I worked at The China Post, I have experienced countless storms and gained many valuable experiences in dealing with people and the importance of English.
I will continue to share my English learning methods and experience with the young students with a grateful heart.


優秀事蹟 —— Outstanding Achievements — The China Post

The first Outstanding Alumni Award of the Department of Journalism was presented to Paul Chen by Dean Tseng on the recommendation of the founder of the Post, Y. P. Huang.


另在鄭主任一篇「真正君子—— 陳信夫君」為題的文章中提到,陳信夫在「郵報」服務40年後退休,社長黃致祥頒給他一座「功在郵報」,這真是對信夫最貼切的推崇與肯定。
In an article titled “Paul Chen, A True Gentleman” by Dean Tseng, it was mentioned that Paul Chen retired after 40 years of service at The China Post and was presented with a “Merit in The China Post” award by President Jack Huang. (This was a fitting tribute and recognition for Paul Chen.)

編者註 | Editor’s Note
作者陳信夫,英文中國郵報執行副總編輯退休 |The author is the former Deputy Editor-in-Chief of The China Post英文中國郵報.

軍人世家子弟,抗日陣亡國軍將士遺族,安徽渡台第二代。 新聞科班畢業,從事新聞工作33年,歷任編輯、主編、組長、主任、副總編輯、總編輯,主跑政治要聞,優游歷史、文藝、生態保育。曾主編35冊專書。
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