【怡主兒小廚房】最近天寒多雨,怡主兒不慎染了風寒,咽喉發炎… 想起在御膳房和官府菜中有道「紅玉金糕拌雪梨」。雪花梨是父家趙縣特產,清肺利咽,切絲後與山楂製成的紅玉金糕搭配,適量加些鹽、糖、白醋,由原材料親手調製,連容器都嚴守不用金屬,以免山楂的酸作用後釋放毒性,安心又實在。紅白相間,酸甜爽滑,既開胃消食,又能潤冬降燥。
🌼Scarlett’s Kitchen🌼 It has been cold and wet these days. Staying in the heater all day caused me a sore thoart. I thought of another royal snack which can nourishing the lung arrests cough “Haw Jelly and Snow Pear Blend” is what I make today.
Haw jelly is made of hawthorn berries, it tastes sweet and sour, and the appearance is like gold brick. So it was named “Golden Jelly” by Empress Dowager Cixi. Hawthorn berries are very hood for health. The antioxidants in hawthorn are thought to boost heart health by strengthening blood vessels and stimulating blood flow. It also promote the digestion. Slice them and blend with Pyrus (Snow Pear) with a little bit of salt, sugar and rice vinegar… It’s a delicious way to pamper myself!