還記得萬壽節時皇上吃了如懿主兒做的白玉霜方糕,化解了她被誣陷的冤情?人之相知,貴相知心… 怡主兒獻上的這方糕,代表的還有相知、相契與相信啊!
🌼Scarlett’s Kitchen🌼 When the weather is cold and wet, it’s good to have some nursing food to comfort the stomach and warm up the heart. Few months ago, White Jade Milk Cake was featured in a TV drama. I made this milk cake with condensed milk and coconut powder~ Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can be classified as a “superfood.” it increases fat burning, kills harmful microorganisms and is beneficial to the hair and skin for all of us who wants to be pretty.