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也可以叫我「矽谷行銷人」。 美國伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)企管碩士。從事國際行銷工作超過20年,現居於美國加州矽谷,曾任職台灣微星科技、華碩電腦美國分公司行銷部主管,期間曾獲多次美國主流電子媒體和廣告界年度廣告獎項。熟悉北美地區的高科技產業(個人電腦、智慧型手機、穿戴型裝置、智慧家庭、電子商務平台、物聯網、人工智慧…)、通路、競爭者以及市場與消費者區隔,目前專職企業策略和行銷顧問工作,協助亞洲企業在北美地區建立品牌、擬定全通路行銷策略、規劃商展和廣告活動,並提供行銷人員訓練等服務。 Areteon Consulting is a strategy and marketing consulting firm in the business of building connections between Asian companies and North American (N.A.) consumers. We offer bold thinking, inspired people and a passion for results - all come together to achieve extraordinary impact. We assist clients with the four factors (strategic business and product assessments, market opportunities and entry plan, develop channel programs, and grow mind share and market share) that determine success in the N.A. market. Our key clients include companies in the Technology, Cloud Computing, AI, Wearables, Smart Home, PC Gaming Products, eSports and B2B/B2B2C e-commerce sectors. Please contact [email protected] for details.

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