復活節的早晨在教會見證了多位弟兄姐妹的洗禮之後,應邀前往洛杉磯比特摩爾千禧酒店參加復活節慈善餐會。餐會在精緻華美的「水晶廳」舉行,這裡曾是奧斯卡頒獎典禮的晚宴所在,經由現任總經理Jimmy 大哥的經營,風華更勝當年!
After witnessing Brothers and Sister’s baptism at church this morning. My sister and I were invited to Millennium Biltmore Los Angeles for Easter branch, in support of animal rescue. The branch was held in the Iconic Crystal Ballroom, where the Oscar dinner used to take place. My friend Jimmy Wu, the general manager of Millennium Biltmore Los Angeles has given this place new energy. The event was so successful.
Music: “The Spring of Wild Lily” by Scarlett Chou.