真正君子—— 陳信夫 | Paul Chen (陳信夫) — A True Gentleman

鄭貞銘 Prof. Tseng Cheng-ming

陳信夫有許多令我欽佩的特質 | Paul Chen has many qualities that I admire
陳信夫 (Paul Chen)先生在英文中國郵報(The China Post)服務四十年後退休,社長黃致祥(Jack Huang)頒給他一座「功在郵報」,對郵報(The China Post)而言,這真是對信夫最貼切的推崇和肯定。
Paul Chen (陳信夫) retired from The China Post after forty years of service, to which Jack Huang, publisher of The China Post, presented him with a “Merit of The China Post” award.
This was really the most appropriate recognition for Mr. Chen after he retired from the English-language newspaper.


I was trained by Y. P. Huang and Nancy Yu-Huang; and served in The China Post as “Vice President and Editor-in-Chief” for an extended period. I have been grateful for the support of these two teachers all my life, and I am also proud of serving The China Post.
Inspired by them and the spirit of the Department of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Culture University, Chen has faithfully served The China Post for 40 years, almost approaching me, a “veteran” who has dedicated himself to serving the society for 47 years.
Paul Chen has many qualities that I admire:
First, his professionalism is not only at the service of The China Post, but also of the press. Because of his service, the ideal of lifelong dedication of the press is not out of reach, which is a valuable example for the profession of journalist.
Second, his thoughts about the “source of drinking water” show his superb personality.
Since he graduated from the Department of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Culture University, he has never forgotten his alma matter and the teachers who trained him. He has pursued Chang Chi-luan’s “gratitude doctrine” while being dedicated to his job, demonstrating the possibility of professional education with practical actions.
Third, he is kind to his family and loves his classmates
Mr. Chen has a happy family, and his wife, Ms. Heidi Chen, who has also sticked to her post in The China Post and made unremitting efforts. Her filial piety and harmonious family are a model of happiness. At the same time, he loves his classmates, keeps his promise, and helps others enthusiastically. He is a true gentleman in everyone’s mind.
I am proud of having such a student as Paul Chen.
民國98年4月20日 | April 20, 2009

編者註 | Editor’s Note
作者鄭貞銘係前文化大學新聞系主任,專任教授 | The author By Prof. Tseng Cheng-ming, Chinese Culture Universityis the former dean of the Department of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Culture University. He was a full-time professor at the time of publication of this article.

軍人世家子弟,抗日陣亡國軍將士遺族,安徽渡台第二代。 新聞科班畢業,從事新聞工作33年,歷任編輯、主編、組長、主任、副總編輯、總編輯,主跑政治要聞,優游歷史、文藝、生態保育。曾主編35冊專書。
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