現在下廚只是還原記憶中的好味道,便也無師自通了。今天給弟弟妹妹做的是「東坡繡球」,這是從前每逢節慶外婆必做的一道菜~絞肉要反覆剁細,攤張蛋皮切絲,裹在胖嘟嘟的肉丸子上… 看似簡單卻挺費工夫,讓我在多年後依然感受到外婆為家人烹調時所傾注的愛心。
蒸好後花團錦簇,彷彿一個個待拋的繡球… 準備好要接了嗎?哈哈!
🌼Scarlett’s Kitchen🌼 I am a newbie in the kitchen. But I am a picky foodie who was spoiled by my grandmother and mom who were really good at cooking. Now all I need to do in kitchen is return to the original gourmet memories I had.
Today I made Embroidered Balls for my siblings. This is what my grandmother usually bring to the table on special occasions. they are meatballs covered with egg. Seems like a simple dish but it’s actually very laborious and time consuming. I can feel how much love grandma put into her cooking while I am doing this.
Don’t they look mouthwatering?